I have spoken to several people, planning to open a brewery for the summer of 2021…
If you’ve a similar timeline, you must be doing your initial planning now. So, putting together:
A Business plan and…
Working out the type of brewery you want to be
Sizing your brewery
Looking at locations
Building out who’ll make up your team or at least what roles need to be filled
Speaking to other people in the industry with experience
Plus, a whole lot more.

You’re right to be planning now; because soon you’ll need to order your brewhouse for it to be ready in time.
Timeline for Ordering and Installing a Brewery - How to Open a Brewery

If you’re like the majority of people; you plan to order your equipment from China.
So, how long does it take from ordering the equipment for it to be ready?
Pls contact us for more details and further discussing, Cheers!!